Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

Duygu Gürsel, M.A.

Duygu Gürsel M.A.
duygugursel (at)

Lehrveranstaltungen am Bereich




Duygu Gürsel holds a Master's degree in "German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences" from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Middle East Technical University. She is currently completing her dissertation at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in Sociology. In her dissertation, she focuses on the transformation of the figure of migrant labor from factory worker into self-employed in West-Berlin. Her areas of interest include migration and labor, as well as their intersection with gender and urban space. She has worked as a lecturer at the department of Social Conflict and Diversity of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, at the Department of Social Work and the Department of Care Management of Evangelische Hochschule Berlin.


Research Interests:

Sociology of Migration, Labor, Gender, Urban Studies


Academic Degrees:

  • M.A. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany & Middle East Technical University, Turkey (German Turkish Masters Program in Social Sciences)
    “Kanak” Intellectuals and The Struggles of Migration in Germany
  • B.A. Middle East Technical University, Turkey, Sociology Department


Grants and Fellowships:


  • 2015-2016: HU Fellowship for Completion of Degree from DAAD
  • 2012-2015: Doctoral Scholarship, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
  • 2010-2011: Research Assistant, NUBBEK, Department of Education, FU Berlin
  • 2009-2010: Research Assistant, Prof. Gökce Yurdakul, Diversity & Social Conflict, HU Berlin
  • 2008-2009: GetMA Scholarship, DAAD, Humboldt University of Berlin
  • 2007: AIESEC Summer Internship Fellowship, Jaipur, India.
  • 2007: Summer School „Culture as Resource“ Fellowship, Central European University, Budapest.
  • 2005-2006: Erasmus Exchange Scholarship, Chemnnitz University of Technology, Germany


Research Experience:

  • 2015: Fieldwork in Berlin (Interview with migrants about the housing struggles in 1980s in West-Berlin, Archive research in Kreuzberg Museum under the travelling exhibition project „Kämpfende Hütten, urbane Proteste in Berlin von 1872 bis heute“)
  • 2013-2015: Fieldwork in Berlin (Interview with self-employed migrants, Archive Research in Landesarchiv, FU Archive, funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung)
  • 2009: Fieldwork in Berlin (Interviewed migrant women under the Project, „Erinnerungen an eine Neue Heimat“, KulturForum TürkeiDeutschland, Berlin)
  • 2007: Fieldwork in Kirikkale, Turkey (Interviews with parents, teachers, authorities under the project „Girl’s Education Campaign“ funded by UNICEF)


Teching Experience:

  • 2019: Introduction to Sociology, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, Department of Social Work
  • 2016: Introduction to Sociology, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, Department of Care Management
  • 2013: Contemporary Debates in Social Theory and Migration, Humboldt University of Berlin, Department of Social Conflict and Diversity
  • 2013-2014: Social Inclusion and Exclusion, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, Department of Social Work
  • Summer School 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016: Migration History of Germany, Dialogue of Civilizations, Northeastern University, Berlin
  • 2011-2012: Turkish-Basic and Intermediate-, Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin, Department of Social Work





  • 2013: "Wer MACHT Demo_kratie? Kritische Beiträge zu Migration und Machtverhältnissen." Verlag Edition Assemblage. Edited with Zülfukar Cetin.


Journal Articles:

  • 2017: "The emergence of the Enterprising Refugee Discourse and Differential Inclusion in Turkey’s Changing Migration Politics." In: Movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies. 3(2): 131-144.


Chapters in Edited Volumes:

  • 2018: "Kämpfe migrantischer MieterInnen. Rassismus, Migrationskontrolle und die Transformation des urbanen Raums." mit Marie Schubenz und Azozomox in Mattern, Philipp (Hg.) Mieterkämpfe. Vom Kaiserreich bis heute-Das Beispiel Berlin. Bertz-Fischer. 2018 S. 79-94.
  • 2016: "The untold struggles of migrant women squatters and the occupations of Kottbusser Straße 8 and Forster Straße 16/17, Berlin-Kreuzberg (Germany)." with Azozomox in Mudu, Pierpaolo & Chattopadhyay, Sutapa (ed.) Migration, Squatting and Radical Autonomy. Routledge Research in Place, Space and Politics. 2016. S.104-117.
  • 2015: "'Der Kampf muss weitergehen-wir werden nicht aufgeben!' Interview mit Women in Exile." In: Cetin, Zülfukar & Tas, Savas (Hg.). Gespräche über Rassismus. Perspektiven und Widerstände. Berlin. Verlag Yilmaz-Günay. 2015. S.161-176.
  • 2014: "'Eintrittskarten und Einzelfälle. Wie das Sozialrecht Migration reguliert.' Dorothee Frings im Gespräch mit Manuela Bojadzijev und Duygu Gürsel." In: Labor Migration (Hg.) Vom Rand ins Zentrum. Perspektiven einer kritischen Migrationsforschung. Berliner Blätter 65/2014. S. 94-110.



  • 2013: "Berlin-Neukölln und viel Gefühl. Wie funktioniert die Forderung nach »sozialer Mischung«?" (2013) In: Analyse und Kritik Nr. 580 (Gemeinsam mit Sebastian Friedrich und Çagri Kahveci)
  • 2012: "Kanak Attak: discursive acts of citizenship in Germany." Oecumene: Citizenship after Orientalism editorial partnership with openDemocracy. 2012.
  • 2010: Book Review. Das Argument, Issue 294, Germany. 2011. Encarnacion Gutierrez-Rodriguez: Migration, Domestic Work and Affect: A Decolonial Approach on Value and the Feminization of Labor. Routledge, London, 2010.



  • 2016: Presentation "Döner und seine affektiven Assoziationen in einer (post-) migrantischen Gesellschaft," CIERA Workshop, "Postmigrantische Gesellschaften und die Transformation Europäischer Ernährungspraktiken." Leipzig.
  • 2016: Presentation "Desires of Migration: Flight from the factory into entrepreneurship," Conference "What matters? New materialities and material-semiotic perspectives in critical migration and border studies." Munich.
  • 2016: Presentation "Das Begehren der Migration," CIERA Workshop "Städtische Einwanderungsräume und die Entstehung von Welt-Städten: Paris und Berlin." Paris.
  • 2016: Presentation "Migrantische Flucht aus der Fabrik in die Selbständigkeit," Helle Panke, Berlin.
  • 2014: Chair in Closing Plenary, International Conference "Material Matters in Times of Crisis Capitalism: Transnational Feminist and Decolonial Approaches." Institute of Sociology, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen.
  • 2012: Presentation with Andrea Meza Torres, "Kanak Attak and Les Indigènes: Discursive acts of citizenship in Germany and France," Symposium "Citizenship After Orientalism," Open University, London.
  • 2011: Presentation with Jael Vizcarra, "Voices from Borderlands," International Graduate Conference Colonial Legacies, Postcolonial Contestations: Decolonizing the Social Sciences and the Humanities, Frankfurt.
  • 2010: Presentation with Prof. Gökce Yurdakul, "Kanak Attak Strikes Back: Challenging German Citizenship and Integration," Council for European Studies Conference, Montreal.