Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein †
- Foto
- Name
- Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein †
- Status
- Prof.
Wir trauern um Prof. Dr. Boike Rehbein, der am 11. Juni 2022 unerwartet verstorben ist. Der plötzliche Verlust unseres geschätzten Kollegen löst Schock und tiefe Trauer aus. Wir sind in Gedanken bei seiner Familie und Angehörigen.
Arbeitsschwerpunkte/Areas of specialization
- Globalisierung/ globalization
- Sozialstruktur/ social structure
- Soziologische Theorie/ sociological theory
- Festland-Südostasien/ Mainland Southeast Asia
Current Position
Full Professor of Society and Transformation in Asia and Africa at Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.
Academic Career
- Lecturer in sociology at the universities of Göttingen and Freiburg (1998-2004), Acting Chair of Sociology, University of Freiburg (2004-2006).
- Director of the multiple award winning “Global Studies Programme” at the University of Freiburg 2006-09.
- Visiting professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University (Delhi), FLACSO Argentina (Buenos Aires), University of Zürich, National University of Laos.
- Postdoctorate (Habilitation) in sociology on the impact of globalization in Laos (2000-2004)
- Ph. D. in philosophy at the University of Freiburg on understanding (1994-1996).
- Studies of philosophy, sociology, and history in Freiburg, Göttingen, Frankfurt, Paris and Berlin. Specialization in social theory, empirical research, history of science and philosophy, Southeast Asia. Most important teachers: Pierre Bourdieu, Günter Dux, Jürgen Habermas, Jann Holl, Bernd Martin, Hermann Schwengel.
German, English, French, Lao, Thai; basic skills in Italian, Latin, Greek, Sanskrit, Portuguese, Spanish and Khmer.
Most important book publications
2017: Society in Contemporary Laos, Routledge
2017: (ed. with Surinder Jodhka and Jessé Souza): Inequality in Capitalist Societies, Routledge
2017: (with Gilberto Antonelli): Inequality in Economics and Sociology, Routledge
2017: „Das Verstehen anderer Menschen in fremden Sprachen und Kulturen“, in Gabriele Münnix (Hg.): Über-setzen, Freiburg/München: Alber, pp. 337-352
2016: (with Chantana Banpasirichote and Surichai Wungaeo): Twenty-first Century Globalization and Democracy in Southeast Asia, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
2015: (et al.): Reproduktion sozialer Ungleichheit in Deutschland, Konstanz: UVK
2014 (with Jessé Souza): Ungleichheit in kapitalistischen Gesellschaften, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa
2013: Kaleidoskopische Dialektik. Kritische Theorie nach dem Aufstieg des globalen Südens, Konstanz: UVK (English translation: Critical Theory after the Rise of the Global South: Kaleidoscopic Dialectic, London/New York: Routledge 2014; Turkish and Portuguese translation in preparation)
2011 (ed.): Globalization and Inequality in Emerging Societies, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
2009 (ed. with Gerhard Fröhlich): Bourdieu-Handbuch, Stuttgart/Weimar: Metzler (2nd edition 2014)
2009 (ed. with Jan Nederveen Pieterse): Globalization and Emerging Societies: Inequality and Development, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (paperback 2011)
2009 (ed. with Gernot Saalmann): Verstehen, Konstanz: UVK
2008 (with Hermann Schwengel): Theorien der Globalisierung, Konstanz: UTB (2nd edition 2012)
2007: Globalization, Society and Culture in Laos, London/New York: Routledge (paperback 2010)
2006: Die Soziologie Pierre Bourdieus, Konstanz: UTB (2nd edition 2011)
2004 (with Sisouk Sayaseng): Laotische Grammatik, Hamburg: Buske
2004: Globalisierung in Laos. Transformation des ökonomischen Feldes, Münster: LIT
1999: Gesellschaft und Theorie. Zum Einfluss der Sozialstruktur auf die Begriffsbildung Bacons und Galileis, Emmendingen: Martin Seeh (2nd edition 2003)
1997: Was heißt es, einen anderen Menschen zu verstehen? Stuttgart: Metzler
Please find the courses here.