Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies


Yorubá Course (online)

Prof. Félix Ayoh'Omidire (Visiting Professor ‘African Diaspora Studies’ at our institute 2023/24, <>) offers a three-month online course Yoruba from the end of September! Please contact him if you are interested!

15.02. Student Exhibition: Afghanistan through the lens of local photographers

The X-Student Research Group ‘Afghanistan through the lens of local photographers’, an initiative of the Berlin University Alliance and in cooperation with Angoor Visuals, is hosting its closing exhibition at the Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften on Thursday, 15th February, 2024. The exhibition, in which participating students will present the results of their research projects from over the course of Winter Semester 2023/24, invites visitors to question existing representations of Afghanistan, introducing them to local photographers including Emroo, Zakir Mandegar, and members of Angoor Visuals, and ultimately reflecting on how the images we see of Afghanistan shape our understanding of the country and its people. The exhibition will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. in Room 507 (5th Floor). No registration required. All welcome! Time: 15.02.2024, 16.00-18.00 Location: Invalidenstr. 118, R507, 10115 Berlin

14.06. Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series: The Royal History of Sikkim: A Chronicle of the House of Namgyal. A new, fully annotated and illustrated Translation from the Tibetan Original (Prof. em. Dr. Per K. Sørensen and Dr. John Ardussi)

Lecture "The Royal History of Sikkim: A Chronicle of the House of Namgyal. A new, fully annotated and illustrated Translation from the Tibetan Original" as part of the Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series by Prof. em. Dr. Per K. Sørensen (Universiy of Leipzig) and Dr. John Ardussi (University of Virginia).

19.05. Mongolia-Colloquium: „Mongolian revolution of 1921 through the prism of 1989: the politics of "historical and cultural heritage" in socialist and post-socialist Mongolia“

Lecture on "Mongolian revolution of 1921 through the prism of 1989: the politics of 'historical and cultural heritage' in socialist and post-socialist Mongolia" as part of the Mongolia-Collquium by Dr. Irina Morozova (Lehrstuhl für Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas, Universität Regensburg). All are welcome!