Final Theses
M.A. Theses
MA Modern South and Southeast Asian Studies
Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen - Eine vergleichende Analyse von Dokumentarfilmen zu Migrant Domestic Work im Libanon (submitted)
Foreign Language as a Tool. The Role of English in the Life of Students at VNU in Hanoi (submitted)
Die Widerspiegelung der Prinzipien und Ziele der ASEAN Charter in ASEAN-Texten zwischen 2009 und 2015 (second supervisor) (submitted)
Female Activists Working for Peace in Afghanistan: Gender, Religion and Education (first supervisor) (graduated)
Overcoming Oppression. A Grounded Approach to the Ahmadiyah in Indonesia
(secondary supervisor) (graduated)
From India to Berlin - Mobile Biographies, Migration, Networks (first supervisor) (graduated)
Hip Hop in Myanmar (first supervisor) (graduated)
Global Tourism, Youth and Religion at Bali (first supervisor) (graduated)
Melaka Gateway. "A Jewel of Stylish Living" challenging Malacca´s Heritage (first supervisor) (graduated)
"Here is where I found faith" - A Study Concerning the Relationship between Religion and Migration Focusing on the Congregation of an Indonesian Free Church in Berlin
(first supervisor) (graduated)
Jenseits von Migration und Diaspora: Medienbiographien und 'postmigrantische' Subjektivität in Berlin (first supervisor) (graduated)
MA African Studies
Die Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Ghana- Eine transnationale islamische da’wa-Organisation in einem multireligiösen Kontext (submitted)
Nation versus Umma: A dilemma for Egyptian and Indian Islamic intellectuals of the early twentieth century? (first supervisor) (graduated)
In Praise of the Prophet: The Religious Panegyric in the Sokoto Caliphate. Intertextual Relations between two madihin and al-Būṣīrī‘s Burda (second supervisor) (graduated)
For a Caliphate: Endeavours to Create an Islamic State in Northern Nigeria and the Jihad of Boko Haram (second supervisor) (graduated)
Afrikanischer Stoff - zur Translokalität von Materialien in Berlin (first supervisor) (graduated)
MA Central Asian Studies
"Going to Moscow": Male labour migration between Tajikistan and Russia
(second supervisor) (graduated)
Master of Religion and Culture
Islamische Hilfsorganisationen und "westliche Werte". Was macht eine Hilfsorganisation zu einer islamischen Hilfsorganisation? (submitted)
Playing a Dream: Die Erschaffung von Identität in der Selbstrepräsentation syrischer und türkischer Musiker*innen (second supervisor) (submitted)
Memory Scapes in Berlin (second supervisor) (graduated)
Women play Football: Muslim Identity, Feminity, Sports (first supervisor) (graduated)
Religiöse Raumnahme in Berlin - am Beispiel des House of One (first supervisor) (graduated)
Grenzenlos religiös. Translokale religiöse Orte in Berlin im Spiegel globaler Religion (first supervisor) (graduated)
MA Global Studies
Understanding the Complexities of the Journey of International Students through Strategic, Social and Cultural Navigation (submitted)
Formations of the North in the South: on Coloniality and Migration at the Costa Rica-Nicaragua Border (submitted)
The Negotiation Process of Identity of Overseas Chinese Female Artists (focus in Berlin) (second supervisor) (graduated)
Being and ecoming Salafi in Azerbaijan (first supervisor) (graduated)
Pickers and Packers: Translocal migration narratives of returning Thai agriculture labour migrants from Israel (first supervisor) (graduated)
Disagreement as a balancing act. The emergence of democratic politics in Swedish asylum rights activists (second supervisor) (graduated)
B.A. Theses
Islamophobia in Tajikistan? Discourses of Fear in the Speeches of Emomali Rahmon
Zionistischer Siedlerkolonialismus in Palästina. Ein regionalwissenschaftlicher Zugang zur Konstruktion und Umsetzung einer modernen Utopie
Das Yakhautboot als Wissensquelle über die tibetische Fischereikultur. Ein objektbiographischer Ansatz
Erzählte Migration: Musik als Zugang zu Erinnerungen von Iranerinnen und Afghaninnen in Berlin
My Stealthy Freedom: Eine Analyse der aktuellen Anti-Verschleierungsbewegung im Iran mit Fokus auf die digitale Repräsenation in den sozialen Medien
Die Ausbildung von Gemeindehebammen in Südsudan: Ein autochthoner Ansatz in der Reduktion der Sterblichkeitsraten von Mutter und Kind sowie der Aufbesserung der Gemeindestrukturen durch die Selbstermächtigung von Frauen
Zwischen Exotik und Authentizität: Schamanischer Tourismus am Beispiel der Shamanistic Studies und Research Centers in Katmandu, Nepal
Politisierung des Islam in einem postkolonialen Staat: Der Fall Brunei
Al-Shabaab in Somalia: Risikofaktoren für die Partizipation jugener Menschen in islamistischen Bewegungen
The Circumcision of Female Genitalia: A Method between "Tradition" and "Modernity"
Socal and socio-politically reasonable waste management in Jakarta: Perspectives for the megacity and its population
Psychological Moratorium among Students at the University of Malawi in Zomba
Der göttliche Klang als spirituelle Erfahrung. Wort und Musik als Mediatoren in den nordindischen Ritualen Kirtan und Qawwali
The discussion on taloq-i telefoni in Online-Media and Readers' Forum for Discussion
Das kulturelle Gedächtnis nach J. Assmann und seine Relevanz für die Etablierung ethnonationaler Ideologien in autokratischen Systemen am Beispiel der Ideologie Nyýazows in Turkmenistan mit schwerpunktmäßiger Betrachtung der Ruhnama
German Webboards - A New Form of Public for Muslims?
Critical Analysis of the Representation of Central Asian Youth in the Anthropological Discourse
Diet Culture Among Japanese Feminine Adolescents Using the Example of the "Good Morning Banana Diet"
The Intellectual Development of Ennahda from the Foundation until after the Revolution
Konsum statt Klassenkampf? Verbesserungen der Arbeitsbedingungen durch politischen Konsum: Herausforderungen und Chancen am Beispiel der Photovoltaik-Industrie in der VR China
Place and Space: Tracing connections between Sacrality and Consumerism inside the Sunday Masses in SM Southmall Philippines
The Character of Sita in Selected Contemporary Short Stories and Poems by Indian Female Writers
Die Wa(h)re Liebe. Eine Analyse über die Zusammenhänge von Romance Tourism, Sexismus und Rassismus
Interfamiliäre Beziehungen in Usbekistan. Genderanalyse
Lifestyle, Entertainment und Feminity. Young women's media representations in Indonesia
Haram or not? Music in Northern Nigeria and Debates on Religiosity and Cultural Practices
Reflections on the Handling of Muslim Patiens in the German Health Sector
Integrated, Assimilated or Marginalized? Adolescents in Remigration
Midwives in Indonesia in an Area of Conflict between Women(-s bodies), Social Realities and Governmental Measures
Indigenes Lernen im Mathare Valley Slum: Potential und Probleme
Discourse Analysis on the Topic "Zar Cult"
B.A. Theses (as secondary supervisor)
Kritische Betrachtung möglicher Bekämprungsmethoden des Islamischen Staats: Welche Alternativen, den Islamischen Staat zu bekämpfen, sind in einer Netzwerkgesellschaft möglich?
Der Islam als politische Kraft und seine gegenwärtigen Auswirkungen aus Indonesiens Pluralismus
Families of the Future? Change of Family Structures through the Feminization of Philippine Labor Migration
Syrien-Berichterstattung in ausgewählten deutschen linken Printmedien: gegensätzliche Narrative
The Union of Islamic Courts: The Model for a Future Socio-Legal Order in Southern Somalia?
The issue of equality of opportunity and the "Right to Education Act"
Women - Bodies - Art. Artistic practice and the female body in post-Reformasi Indonesia
Politically Incorrect and its Struggle to Break Through into the Physical World
Loss and Desire for a Magic Home - Indigenous Nomadism in Sabah and Sarawak vs. Pathological Nomadism Opposed as a Political Category
The Arab Spring characterized by Youth Unemployment and Effects of Globalization
Gender, Migration and Social Inequality. An intersectional Analysis of Chinese Female Migrant Worker's Potential of Resistance
The present situation of migrant children in the Chinese educational system
Consumerism rather than Clas Struggle? Change in Working Conditions through Political Consumption: Prospects and Challenges. The Case of the Photovoltaic Industry in the People's Republic of China
Ethnicity and Political Conflict in Thailand
Social Inequality in the Egyptian Educational System in Retrospective and its Vibrancy on the Revolution
Indigenous Learning in Mathare Valley Slum: Potential and Problems