Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies

PhD Study

Humbdolt University offers the opportunity to obtain a PhD degree in Area Studies with a focus on East Asia. Admission requirements are stipulated in the Doctoral Degree Regulations of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. If you plan to enroll as a PhD student, you should first contact a potential supervisor and submit a research plan outlining the following points:

  • working title of the dissertation
  • short summary of topic and research questions
  • state of affairs
  • hypotheses, research questions and objectives
  • methods
  • possible results and their relevance for the field
  • tentative chapter division
  • working plan (month by month)
  • select bibliography

Please note that we currently do not offer paid positions for junior researchers. If you are accepted as a PhD student, we will support you with applications for funding from external organizations.