"I escaped to my future" (2023) - a participatory film project made in Berlin
GAMS Research Colloquium Season 6- summer term 2023 - Friday 10-12am
Summer 2023 - Lecture & Conversation Series starting on April 26: DWELLING TOGETHER: Urban Housing, Neighborliness and Multilocal Homemaking
Portrait des Seminars für Ostasienstudien in CHINAHIRN
Interview von Daniel Fuchs zur Einordnung und den Auswirkungen der Proteste in China
Daniel Fuchs; Interview
International Sociological Congress 2023 in India - in honor of Prof. Boike Rehbein
Register for International Sociological Congress 2023 in India. This event will be dedicated to Prof Dr. Boike Rehbein focusing on Social Inequality and Critical Thought.
GAMS Digital Research Colloquium 5 - winter term 2022/23
Global Winter School 2023 in India - in honor of Prof. Boike Rehbein
Cultural Bridge with Humboldt University, Berlin is back with the second edition of the successful Global Winter School. This year's event will be dedicated to Prof Dr. Boike Rehbein focusing on Social Inequality and Critical Thought.
Das Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften trauert um Dr. Hannelore Lötzke
BUA-Projektbewilligung: Establishing a digital platform for China knowledge exchange
The Curious Case of Women in Media - NWM India
Lecture: 'Political and Social Structures of Pakistan'
OUT NOW! GAMSzine#3 Magazin des Bereichs Gender and Media Studies
GAMS digital research colloquium season - season 3 - winter term 2021/22
Neuerscheinung: Die kapitalistische Gesellschaft
Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series Wintersemester 2021/2022, Decolonising Himalayan Studies? - Putting Theory into Practice -
Semesterprogramm des Tibet-Kolloquiums. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
Mongolei-Colloquien im Wintersemester 2021/2022
Semesterprogramm des Mongolei-Kolloquiums. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
SHK Ausschreibung Seminar für Südasienstudien
Digital Research Colloquium Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region - winter term 2021/22
Mongolei-Kolloquium SoSe 2021
Vorläufiges Semesterprogramm des Mongolei-Kolloquiums. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen!
Round table: Coup and Uprising in Myanmar: Background and Perspectives
Artikel von Sarah Eaton und Genia Kostka in Jubiläumsausgabe zum 60jährigen Bestehen von "The China Quarterly"
"Albie" Award 2020 für Sarah Eaton und Daniel Fuchs
China and Germany - partners on technical standardization
Washington Post, Blog Monkey Cage