Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

Akademischer Werdegang

Seit 2013:

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im Forschungsprojekt:

"Changing Patterns in the Shona Novel from Zimbabwe. A Linguistic Literary Aanalysis."


1. Akademische Abschlüsse

2000 Master of Education, University of Zimbabwe, Shona and Curriculum Foundations

1995 Bachelor of Education, University of Zimbabwe, Shona and Sociology of Education

1990 Certificate in Education, Gweru Teacher's College; Shona, English and Theory of Education


2. Lehre

März 2007 bis 2013:

Great Zimbabwe University, Permanent Full-time Lecturer, Department of Development

April 2006 bis Februar 2007:

Great Zimbabwe University, Temporary Full-time Lecturer, Teacher Development ChiShona

Januar 2006 bis März 2006:

Masvingo Teacher's College, Lecturer in Sociology of Education

Januar 2002 bis Dezember 2005:

Marymount Teacher's College, Lecturer in ChiShona

Januar 1993 bis Dezember 2001:

Pfupajena Secondary School, Shona & English Teacher

Januar 1991 bis Dezember 1992:

Mabvure Secondary School, Shona & English Teacher


Chesvingo Secondary School, Temporary Teacher


I teached the following courses offered in the department in ChiShona among others when on offer for both the pre-service Primary and Secondary programmes:

  1. Mutinhiro neDudziramutauro weChiShona TDSCH 101-
  2. (Shona Grammar and Phonology)
  3. Kuvandudzwa koMutauro weChiShona TDSCH 102-(Development of the Shona Language/ History and Development of the Shona Language)
  4.  Uvaranomwe HweChishona Husakanyorwa -( Shona Oral Literature)
  5.  Pfungwa huru dzokuongorora nadzo Uvaranomwe-(Theories of Literature and Criticism)
  6. Uvaranomwe HweChishona  Hwakanyorwa p- ChiShona Written Literature
  7. Kudzidzisa ChiShona kuPuraimari-Teaching ChiShona in the Primary School
  8.  Dudziro Dzemazwi Huye Nemashandisirwo Adzo-(Semantics and  Pragmatics)
  9. Pedagogic Studies in ChiShona PDSCH 202
  10. Supervision of students on Teaching Practice: Pre-Service
  11. Supervision of projects
  12. Setting and marking examinations in areas taught
  13. Attending Departmental and Faculty Board Meetings.


3. Vorträge/ Konferenzen

  1. I co-authored a paper entitled :The Quest For Inclusive Education: A Case of Pakame High School  which was presented by a co-researcher,Joel Marashe at the 3-5 October 2009, Southern African Society for Educators Conference,S.Africa.This paper has since been published by the Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Vol 13,No.1 2011.
  2. I  presented the paper The Form and Content of Children’s Poetry and Games on a Kaleidoscopic Cultural Terrain  co-authored  with  Mika Nyoni ( Zimbabwe Open University International Conference 17-18 June, 2011,Rainbow Towers, Zimbabwe).
  3.  I presented the paper ‘ HIV  and  AIDS Awareness Programmes: A Battle well fought but what about the war ?’ (SASE conference held at the Great Zimbabwe Hotel Zimbabwe 4 -6 October 2012 co-authored with Mika Nyoni).
  4.  I also presented the paper ‘Student Teachers’ Conception and Perception of a Conducive Learning Environment : A Case of Great Zimbabwe Students on Teaching Practice’ at SASE 2012 (co-authored with Tafara Mufanechiya)
  5.  I also co- authored a paper titled ‘Huya uhodhe!Dhora riya rotonga! Dhora riya rotenga!:Unpacking the form and content of informal traders advertisements: A submission from the railway side market expedition in Masvingo’ ( presented by Mika Nyoni SASE 2012)


4. Universitätstätigkeiten an der Great Zimbabwe University

  1. Staff induction workshops (2011 and 2012- Methodologies for University Teaching and Learning)
  2. Student  Induction workshops (2010, 2011 and 2012 Life Skills Workshops)
  3. International Women’s Day GZU Chapter (2011-Women and Research)
  4. Was  co-event coordinator for the 2012 Women’s Day celebrations GZU Chapter)
  5. Presented two papers on Time Management  to members of the Guidance and Counseling Club (2010) and one in 2012.
  6. Presented  a paper on Qualities of a Good Counselor at Peer Educators training workshop (2012)
  7. Presented a Paper on Record Keeping at A Workshop for Mentors (2008)
  8. Committee Member University HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee
  9. Trained ten community members in the Low Input Gardens programme initiated by CARE (for free) having done a facilitators’ course for the programme (2008)
  10. Was Faculty representative to the teaching and learning committee from 2007 to 2010
  11. Was ChiShona subject coordinator in the Department of Teacher Development from 2006-2012
  12. Was a member of the departmental social welfare committee from 2009-2012
  13. Chaired the departmental student selection subcommittee from 2007-2012
  14. A  member of the Zimbabwe Academic and Non Fiction Writers Association (ZANA)
  15. A member of the Shona Language  and Culture Association (SLCA) where I have served in the committee in the following capacities:
  16. a)Treasurer (2009-2012)
  17. b) Committee Member 2012 to present.
  18. Peer Reviewer for Dzimbahwe Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
  19. As guest of honour at the Masvingo Arts Platform Poetry Slam I also presented a paper on the Role of Poetry Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow(21 December 2012)


5. Andere Kurse und Auszeichnungen

1. Women in Management Course Modules 1-111 (2002-3)

2. Education For Life Deseret International Certificates (H..I.V/AIDS Education) 2003

3. Education For Life Deseret International Training of Trainers’s Certificate (H.IV/AIDS   Education) 2003

4. Achievement Award in Transformational Leadership by Women, Leadership and Governance Institute (W.L.G.I)

5. University Book Price for the best results in coursework and examinations 1999/95/94

6. University Book Price for Distinction in Shona

7. R.G. Mugabe Trophy for Community Service


6. Vorträge im Rahmen von Workshops

1.Time Management (Mutare CADEC Youth Alive) On 14 November 2005

2.Presentation Skills (Workshop for Student Leaders: Rowa Training Centre) on 15 October 2004

3. Women and research-GZU 2011

4.Methodologies for University Teaching and Learning-GZU (2011,2012)


7. Sonstige Verpflichtungen

  1. Subject Coodinator ChiShona 2004-2005
  2. Staff Development Committee Member (Marymount Teachers’
  3. College)
  4. AIDS Council Member (Marymount Teacher’s College)
  5. Marymount Teacher’s College Public Relations Committee Member
  6. University of Zimbabwe Department of Teacher Education Shona
  7. External Examiner.
  8. Involved in research work with the African Research Institute.
  9. Member of the Shona Language and Culture Association
  10. Regional Chief Examiner ‘O’ Level ChiShona Paper 2 (ZIMSEC)
  11. Mashonaland West 2003.
  12. Item writer (ZIMSEC) ‘O’ level ChiShona Paper 2
  13. Team Leader: C