Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

03.05. Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series: Mantras and Rituals in Tibetan Medicine

"Mantras and Rituals in Tibetan Medicine" Vortrag von Dr. Olaf Czaja, Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities im Rahmen der Tibet & Himalaya Lecture Series. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen!
  • Wann 03.05.2021 von 18:15 bis 20:00
  • Wo via Zoom
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Mantras and Rituals in Tibetan Medicine

by Dr. Olaf Czaja, Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities


This presentation will explore the relationship between Tibetan medicine and Tibetan Buddhism by analyzing early Tibetan medical treatises. It will investigate mantras, meditative visualizations, and rituals that were used to prevent and to cure diseases and will study their medical context. Some of the questions addressed will be:

Are these techniques employed in the case of special diseases or at particular stages of medical treatment? If so, how firmly are they established in medical texts? Are they just accessary parts and not really “medical,” or do they form an integral part of medical expertise in premodern Tibet? This talk will thus question our current understanding of Tibetan medicine from an emic textual perspective on healing practices.


Olaf Czaja studied Tibetan, Indian and Mongolian studies as well as history of art at the universities of Leipzig, Bonn and Kathmandu. He submitted his PhD thesis about the Phag mo ru pa ruling house in medieval Tibet at Leipzig University in 2007. His research interests are Tibetan history, art, and medicine. He is currently research fellow in the project Katalogisierung der Orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland (KOHD, Union Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts in Germany) at Göttingen Academy of Sciences.



For Registration: please send an E-Mail to Tara Herbener

Contact/Lecture Series: Dr. Nike-Ann Schröder