Publikationen Dr. Mona Schrempf
2018 (in Vorbereitung): Transnational Tibetan Medicine – Formula Regimes, Therapeutic Networks and Styles of Practice between China and Europe (Monographie, Berghahn Publishers, New Series 'Medicine in History and Culture’)
2015: Mona Schrempf und Lena Springer (Hgs.), Efficacy and Safety in Tibetan and Chinese Medicine: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives (Sonderausgabe), Asian Medicine – Tradition and Modernity 10 (1+2)
2015: Mona Schrempf and Nicola Schneider (Hgs), Women as Visionaries, Healers and Agents of Social Transformation in the Himalayas, Tibet, and Mongolia, Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines no. 34 (Sonderausgabe), Décembre 2015. Paris: CNRS. 217 S.; ISSN 1768‐2959 (open access, online)
2013: (paperback ed.)/ 2010: mit Vincanne Adams und Sienna Craig (Hgs). Medicine Between Science and Religion - Explorations on Tibetan Grounds. London, New York: Berghahn Publishers (Epistemologies of Healing, Vol. 10), ), 324 S., 11 iIls, Bibliog., Index. ISBN 9781782381228
2010: mit Sienna Craig, Mingji Cuomu und Frances Garrett (Hgs). Studies of Medical Pluralism in Tibetan History and Society. (Proceedings of the 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bonn 2006). Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH (IITBS), 470 S.
2008: mit Vincent Houben (Hgs). Figurations of Modernity - Global and Local Representations in Comparative Perspective. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag (SFB640 series 'Eigene und Fremde Welten), 198 S.
2007: Soundings in Tibetan Medicine. Historical and Anthropological Perspectives. (Proceedings of the 10th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (PIATS), Oxford 2003) Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. 340 S.
2001: Ethnisch-religiöse Revitalisierung und rituelle Praxis einer osttibetischen Glaubensgemeinschaft im heutigen China. Dissertation. Institut für Ethnologie, Freie Universität Berlin.
2016: (im Druck) ‘From Popular Pilgrimage Festival to State Religious Performance – social constructions of the sacred site of Gomphu Kora, East Bhutan’, in U. Luig (Hg), Approaching the Sacred: Processions and Pilgrimages in Historical and Intercultural Perspectives., 36 S.
2015a: ‘Spider, Soul, and Healing in Eastern Bhutan’, in Hanna Havnevik und Charles Ramble (Hgs), From Bhakti to Bon. Festschrift for Per Kværne, The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo, S. 481-497.
2015b: ‘Fighting Illness with Gesar – A Healing Ritual from Eastern Bhutan', in Charles Ramble und Ulrike Rösler (Hgs), Tibetan and Himalayan Healing – An Anthology for Anthony Aris, Oxford University, S. 621-630.
2013: ‘Das Gomphu Kora Tshechu – ein Pilgerfest zu Ehren Padmasambhavas in Ostbhutan’, in Hans-Werner Klohe und Lilla Russell-Smith (Hgs), Die Acht Aspekte des Kostbaren Lehrers Padmasambhava – Kunst und Ritual im Himalaya, Ausstellungskatalog, Berlin: Museum für Asiatische Kunst, State Museums Berlin, 56-68; mit DVD-Videofilm (30 min.)
2012: mit C. Witt, S. Craig, B. Graz, M. Heinrich, H. Schwabl, ‘Research on Tibetan Medicine—Where Do We Stand and Where Should We Go?’, in C. Witt, S. Craig und M. Cuomu (Hgs), Tibetan Medicine Research: From Current Evidence to Future Strategies: Advice from an Interdisciplinary Conference, Essen: KVC Verlag, Karl und Veronika Carstens Stiftung, S. 35-48.
2010: mit Sienna Craig, Mingji Cuomu und Frances Garrett., "Introduction" in Sienna Craig, Mingji Cuomu, Frances Garrett und Mona Schrempf (Hgs). Studies of Medical Pluralism in Tibetan History and Society. (Proceedings of the 11th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Bonn 2006). Andiast: International Institute for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies GmbH, S. 13-38.
2010: mit Vincanne Adams, Sienna Craig. "Introduction: Medicine in Translation between Science and Religion", in dies. (Hgs), Medicine Between Science and Religion - Explorations on Tibetan Grounds, London and New York: Berghahn Publications, S. 1-32.
2010: "Between Mantra and Syringe: Healing and Health Seeking Behavior in Contemporary Amdo", in Vincanne Adams, Mona Schrempf und Sienna Craig (Hgs), Medicine Between Science and Religion - Explorations on Tibetan Grounds, London and New York: Berghahn Publications, S. 157-184.
2008: und Vincent Houben. "Introduction: Figurations and Representions of Modernity", in Vincent Houben und Mona Schrempf (Hgs), Figurations of Modernity - Global and Local Representations in Comparative Perspective. Frankfurt a.M.: Campus Verlag, S. 7 -20.
2008: "Planning the Modern Tibetan Family", in V. Houben and M. Schrempf (Hgs), Figurations of Modernity - Global and Local Representations in Comparative Perspective, S. 121-151.
2007: "Refocusing on Tibetan Medicine" in Mona Schrempf (Hgs), Soundings in Tibetan Medicine. Historical and Anthropological Perspectives. (Proceedings of the 10th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (PIATS), Oxford 2003) Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, S. 1-8.
2007: "Lineage Doctors and the Transmission of Local Medical Knowledge and Practice in Nagchu", in Mona Schrempf (Hg.), Soundings in Tibetan Medicine. Historical and Anthropological Perspectives. (Proceedings of the 10th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (PIATS), Oxford 2003) Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers, S. 91-126.
2006: "The Study of the Globalisation of Traditional Asian Medicine", in: Symposium of Education Forum for Asia 2005, Beijing, S. 245-247.
2002: "The Earth-ox and the Snowlion", in Toni Huber (Hgs), Tibetan Revival in Modern Amdo: Society and Culture During the Late 20th Century. (PIATS, Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers), S. 147-171.
2000: "Victory Banners, Social Prestige and Religious Identity - ritualized sponsorship and the revival of Bon monasticism in A-mdo Shar-khog", in S.G. Karmay and Y. Nagano (Hgs), New Horizons in Bon Studies. (Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology), S. 317-358.
1999: "Taming the Earth - Controlling the Cosmos: Transformation of Space in Tibetan Buddhist and Bonpo Ritual Dances", in Toni Huber (Hgs), Sacred Spaces and Powerful Places in Tibetan Culture. (Dharamsala, Library of Tibetan Works and Archives), S. 198-224.
1997: "From 'Devil Dance' to 'World Healing' - some representations. perceptions and innovations of contemporary Tibetan ritual dances ('cham)", in F.J. Korom (Hgs), Tibetan Culture in the Diaspora. (PIATS, Wien, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften), S. 91-102.
Zeitschriftenartikel: (peer reviewed)
2018 (in Vorbereitung): 'Cultural Translations and Shifting Medical Identities of Tibetan Drugs in China - A Textual and Ethnographic Study of Pomegranate and Eaglewood Formulas', Teil 2, EASTS (East Asian Science and Technology Studies)
2015a: mit Lena Springer. 'Editorial', in M. Schrempf and L. Springer (eds), 'Efficacy and Safety in Tibetan and Chinese Medicine: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives' (special issue), Asian Medicine – Tradition and Modernity 10 (1+2), 1-7. doi 10.1163/15734218-12341359
2015b: 'Contested Issues of Efficacy and Safety between Transnational Formulation Regimes of Tibetan Medicines in China and Europe', in M. Schrempf and L. Springer (eds), Efficacy and Safety in Tibetan and Chinese Medicine: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives (special issue), Asian Medicine – Tradition and Modernity 10 (1+2), 273-315. (Europe PMC: 5119578)
2015c: 'Formulation Regimes and Styles of Practice in Transnational Tibetan Medicine – a Comparative Perspective on Efficacy and Safety between China and Europe', in M. Schrempf und L. Springer (Hgs), Efficacy and Safety in Tibetan and Chinese Medicine: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives (Sonderausgabe), Asian Medicine – Tradition and Modernity 10 (1-2), 35 S.
2015d: with Lena Springer. 'Introduction', in M. Schrempf und L. Springer (Hgs), Efficacy and Safety in Tibetan and Chinese Medicine: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives (Sonderausgabe), Asian Medicine – Tradition and Modernity 10 (1-2), 12 S.
2015e: ‘Becoming a Female Ritual Healer in East Bhutan’, in M. Schrempf and N. Schneider (Hgs), Women as Visionaries, Healers and Agents of Social Transformation in the Himalayas, Tibet, and and Mongolia (special issue), Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines 34 (Décembre 2015), S. 189-213.
2015f: mit Nicola Schneider, ‘Editorial—Female Specialists between Autonomy and Ambivalence’, in M. Schrempf and N. Schneider (Hgs), Women as Visionaries, Healers and Agents of Social Transformation in the Himalayas, Tibet and Mongolia (special issue), Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 34, Décembre 2015, i-viii.
2011: "Re-Production at Stake - Experiences of Fertility, Family Planning and Reproductive Health among Amdo Tibetan Women", in H. Fjeld und R. Hofer (Hgs), Women and Gender in Tibetan Medicine: (special issue) Asian Medicine. Tradition and Modernity, 6 (2): S. 314-339.
2010: mit Jack Hayes. "From Temple to Commodity? Tourism in Songpan and the Bon Monasteries of Amdo Shar khog", in Samten Karmay and Donatella Rossi (Hgs), Bon: the Everlasting Religion of Tibet (Tibetan Studies in Honour of Professor David L. Snellgrove), East and West (IsIAO) 59 (1-4): S. 285-312.
2006: "Hwa-shang at the Border: Transformations of History and Identity in Modern Amdo", Journal of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (JIATS), Issue 2, 2006, 18 S., mit video clip
2004: mit Barbara Gerke, "Tibet. A Brief History of Tibetan Medicine. Bon Medicine", The Wellcome Trust History of Medicine at UCL
2001: "Cham [entry under Tibetan Music]", in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2nd ed., vol. 25, London, Macmillan), S. 444-445.
1994: "Tibetan Religious Dances and the Transformation of Space", The Tibet Journal 19 (2): S. 95-120.
2017: Short essay (review) Bodies in Balance: The Art of Tibetan Medicine. Edited by Theresia Hofer. New York: Rubin Museum of Art, in association with Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014. x, 360 pp., 250 illus., 120 color. ISBN: 9780295993591 (cloth), The Journal of Asian Studies 76 (1): 225-226.
2016: Tibetan Formulas in Interdisciplinary and Multilingual Perspectives - Translating ‘Wind’ Disorders and Stress in Tibetan Medicine (Workshop Report), AG Medical Anthropology Blog,
2015: Conference Report , IASTAM Newsletter 2015 (winter), IASTAM (, 3 S.
2015: Comment to ‘Co-Producing Efficacious Medicines: Collaborative Event Ethnography with Himalayan and Tibetan Sowa Rigpa Practitioners’, by Calum Blaikie, Sienna Craig, Barbara Gerke, and Theresia Hofer, Current Anthropology 57 (2): S. 199-200.
2014: mit O. Czaja, Review of ‘The Inheritance of Change. Transmission and Practice of Tibetan Medicine in Ngamring’ by Theresia Hofer, Asian Medicine – Tradition and Modernity 8(2): S. 515-518.
2013: (Konferenzbericht) "Women as Visionaries, Healers and Poisoners – Autonomous Female Religious Specialists in Tibet, the Himalayas and Inner Asia, Central Asian Seminar, Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin, (3rd - 5th May 2013)", Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien - Bulletin Info 47: 36-39, Humboldt University Berlin (
2011: "Religious Revival in the Tibetan Borderlands. The Premi of Southwest China. By Koen Wellens. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2010", The Journal of Asian Studies (JAS) 70(4): S. 1159-1162.
2009: "The Violence of Liberation: Gender and Tibetan Buddhist Revival in Post-Mao China. Charlene Makley." Journal of the American Academy of Religion (JAAR); doi: 10.1093/jaarel/lfp025
2008: "Åshild KOLÅS, Tourism and Tibetan Culture in Transition: A Place Called Shangrila. New York: Routledge, 2008", China Information 22(3): S. 496-499.
2005: Conference Report on Transcultural Interface and Local Applications of Asian and Western Medical Systems: transfer, integration and transformation between Asia and Europe, IASTAM Newsletter (International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine, The Wellcome Trust)
2004: "New Research on Tibetan Medicine", 10th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS), Wolfson College, Oxford, Sept 6-12, 2003; IASTAM Newsletter September 2004 (Maarten Bode, ed.), S. 5-7.
2004: "Ricard, Matthieu. Monk Dancers of Tibet", The Tibet Journal 29(3): S. 102-105.
2003: mit Frances Garrett. "What is Bon Medicine? Analysing narratives of illness and healing in the history and practice of a lesser known Tibetan medical tradition", IIAS Newsletter 30, March 2003, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden, S. 29.
2001: "Review of Martin Baumann, Migration, Religion, Integration. Buddhistische Vietnamesen und hinduistische Tamilen in Deutschland", Journal of Global Buddhism (, 3 S.
2001: "Review of A. Vergati, Gods and Masks of the Kathmandu Valley", The Tibet Journal 26(1): S. 101-107.
1996: "Review of Mireille Helffer, Mchod-rol. Les instruments de la musique tibétaine", The Tibet Journal 21(3): S. 73-75.
Ethnographischer Film:
2013: Gomkora Tsechu – a Pilgrimage Festival in Eastern Bhutan, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Museum für Asiatische Kunst Berlin, 30 min. ethnographischer Film und Trailer (3 Min.) für die Ausstellung ‘Die Acht Aspekte des Kostbaren Lehrers - Padmasambhava in Kunst und Ritual’, Museum für Asiatische Kunst, SMB Berlin (28.11.2013-30.06.2014); publiziert als DVD Film im Museumskatalog (Deutsche und Englische Untertitel); Videofilm zu sehen auf
2010: Ethnographische Videoclips für die Ausstellung TIBET NOW, Multimedia Exhibition, Gallerie Asia Unlimited Berlin, zusammen kuratiert mit Alice Grünfelder (13.-20.02.2010)
- Nangma – Tibetan Disco Worlds, ca. 5 min.;
- Pilgrimage around the Holy Bon Mountain Byang Byadur (Amdo Sharkhog, on the occasion of the visit of the head of Bon religion, Menri Trizin, from India) (5 min.)
- Lerru – A Spirit Medium Festival from Rebgong (5 min.)
2006: video clip on a Tibetan masked dance from North East Tibet, depicting ‘Hwa-shang', see article 'Hwa-shang at the Border: Transformations of History and Identity in Modern Amdo’, Journal of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (JIATS), Issue 2, 2006, S. 18, plus
2001: Ratana – a Maori Christian Prophet, Healer and Political Leader. Victoria University of Wellington, in cooperation with Jonette Crysell (digital Video, 26 min)
Gutor Rituals at Tibetan New Year. (Bon monastery Dolanji, Solan, 1995; Gamel Monastery, Amdo Sharkhog 1996, Sichuan, PRC) – 15 min
Tibetan Ritual Dances in Different Modern Contexts (Haus der Kulturen der Welt: performance of Kopan monks at a Free Jazz Festival; excerpts from performances in Dolanji; ritual dance at Gamel Monastery) – 15 min
Pilgrimage around the Holy Bon Mountain Byang Shadur (visit of Menri Trizin from exile to his homeland in Amdo Sharkhog, Sichuan, PRC) – 15 min
Wissenschaftliche Übersetzungen:
Übersetzung aus dem Englischen ("Blood Feud") "Blutrache", In: Heike Zappe (Hg.), Von der Lust am Unbekannten. Humboldts Forschungsreisende des 21. Jahrhunderts. Berlin, 8 S.
2001: Übersetzung "Schamanistische Kunst im Himalaya" aus dem Französischen (L'art shamanique de l'himalaya) von Eric Chazot in Als die Götter noch jung waren. Masken und Skulpturen aus dem Himalaya (Museumskatalog), Offenburg, Museum im Ritterhaus, S. 13-33.