Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of African Studies

Africa on the Internet

The Johannesburg Salon


University of Frankfurt: a list of 170 structured and commented links and resources on Africa.

Internet library sub-Saharan Africa "ilissafrica": literature search, websites and full-text search.

The Zimbabwean publishing house "Weaver Press" : publishes books from and about the Southern Africa. One of its main focuses is to publish and sell fictional and academic literature in Zimbabwe. Overseas orders can be arranged on

AfroPort : An African platform in the German language about the arts, culture and business, including 3.500 addresses and contacts as well as up to 700 events on Africa.

AfricAvenir : Events in Berlin, with particular focus on Information.

Website "SÜDAFRIKA - Land der Kontraste" : a German but also an interdisciplinary perspective on current affairs on the Republic of South Africa, focusing on business, culture and society, literature and science, politics and the World Cup 2010.