Information for Lectures
Applications for teaching assignments for the subsequent winter term need to be sent to the secretariat by the 30th April of the same year and 30th October for the subsequent summer term.
End of Module/Course Exam: Students will, in time, provide you with the filled out form. Please record the ETCS-points (for the correspondent module following the exact examination regulations) where appropriate and the rating of the written exam or essays and confirm the accuracy of the information with your signature. Please hand in all filled-out forms for your course at the secretariat.
- Examination Regulations
BA Regional Studies Asia/Africa
- Bachelorstudiengang Regionalwissenschaften Asien/Afrika
MA African Studies
- Masterstudiengang Afrikawissenschaften
- Forms required to fill in individual modules/courses or to complete the BA or MA are found on the webpage of the Examination Office of Asia and African Studies
- Evaluation of Course is important to the lecturers because it improves the quality of teaching and incorporates wishes and suggestions from the students. Should you not be given any evaluation forms to hand to your students, please download the form here.