Academic Career
- Since 2018: Member of the DFG's long-term project "Modern India in German Archives, 1706-1989 (MIDA)" at the Seminar for South Asian Studies at the Humboldt University. Postdoctoral Project on the "German Botanists in and around India and their participation in colonialism in the 19th century"
- 2015-2018: Researcher in the DFG project "Global Research and Imperial Power: The Botanical Communication Network of Nathaniel Wallich between Copenhagen, Calcutta and Kew in the First Half of the 19th Century" (Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Krieger, CAU Kiel)
- 2013: Research associate at the Chair of the History of Northern Europe at the CAU Kiel
- 2010-2012: Researcher in the DFG project "Everyday drink and intoxicants in the colonial discourse: Production, trade and consumption of alcohol and public debates in the Danish East Indies (17th-19th century)" (Director: Prof. Dr. Martin Krieger, CAU Kiel)
- 2017: Dissertation in the University Research Priority Program (URPP) Asia and Europe at the University of Zurich on the topic "Deviance in the Danish-English-Hallesches India Mission of the late 18th Century" supervised by: Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Fisch; PD Dr. Sven Trakulhun (both University of Zurich) and Prof. Dr. med. Martin Krieger (CAU Kiel)
- Research stays at Serampore College (India), funded by Prof. Dr. med. Werner Petersen Foundation (Kiel) and in the archive of the Francke Foundations (Halle / Saale), funded by a Fritz Thyssen scholarship from the Francke Foundations
- Study of Middle and Modern History, Political Science, first of Sociology, then of Law at the Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel. MA thesis on "Hindu Nationalism and European Fascism: A Comparison" (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hermann Kulke and Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fouquet)