Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of African Studies

International publications as project results (2010–2012)

  • Special issue of Review Africana Studia 15, 2010, ‘Autoridades tradicionais africanas durante o período  colonial’ [African traditional authorities during the colonial period], a dossier with an introduction by Alexander Keese, discussing the role of chiefs including with regard to the modalities of labour
  • Alexander Keese, ‘Early limits of local decolonisation: Forced Labour, Decolonisation and the ‘Serviçal’ Population in São Tomé and Príncipe from Colonial Abuses to Post-Colonial Disappointment, 1945–1976’, International Journal of African Historical Studies 44(3), 2011, pp. 373–392.
  • Alexander Keese, ‘Managing the prospect of famine: Cape Verdean officials, subsistence emergencies, and the change of elite attitudes during Portugal’s late colonial phase, 1939–1961’, Itinerario 35(2), 2012, pp. 48–69.
  • Alexander Keese, ‘The constraints of late colonial reform policy: forced labour scandals in the Portuguese Congo (Angola) and the limits of reform under authoritarian colonial rule, 1955–1961’, Portuguese Studies 28(2), 2012, pp. 186–200.
  • Enrique Martino, ‘Clandestine Recruitment Networks in the Bight of Biafra: Fernando Po’s Answer to the Labour Question, 1926–1945’, International Review of Social History 57(3), 2012, published online, paper version forthcoming.