Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Department of African Studies

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences | Department of Asian and African Studies | Department of African Studies | Linguistics and Languages | Projects | Mediale Aufbereitung und Vermittlung des nationalen Kulturschatzes aus der ‘Hoffmann-Kolletion de Nord-Sotho-Kulturerbes’

Mediale Aufbereitung und Vermittlung des nationalen Kulturschatzes aus der ‘Hoffmann-Kolletion de Nord-Sotho-Kulturerbes’

Mediale Aufbereitung und Vermittlung des nationalen Kulturschatzes aus der ‘Hoffmann-Kolletion de Nord-Sotho-Kulturerbes’ für die Öffentlichkeit und Fachwissenschaft in Deutschland und Südafrika

The top priority of this project is to recognise the Hoffmann Collection as a national treasure and to safeguard it not only for scientific use, but also for the Northern Sotho people themselves. The project further envisages the opening up of this collection for future research, especially for African scholars with the necessary African language competency; the repatriation of this endangered cultural heritage from Germany to South Africa through the use of new technology such as scanning, digitization and electronic media; and the collecting and dissemination of available – as well as newly accumulated research data for future research.