Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies


Loughnane, Robyn and Fedden, Sebastian (2011) 'Is Oksapmin Ok?-A Study of the Genetic Relationship between Oksapmin and the Ok Languages', Australian Journal of Linguistics, 31: 1, 1 - 42. Link

San Roque, L. and R. Loughnane. (Forthcoming.) "Evidentiality in Highlands New Guinea." In M. Donohue (ed.), Proceedings of the 2006 Papuanists' Workshop. (Accepted August 2007;

(MS) Reciprocals in Oksapmin. (Available upon request.)

2009. A Grammar of Oksapmin. Doctoral dissertation, University of Melbourne. (Available for download at Link

with C. Penry Williams and J. Verhoeven (eds). 2007. In Between Wor(l)ds Transformation and Translation. School of Languages and Linguistics Postgraduate Research Papers on Language and Literature Volume 6. School of Languages and Linguistics, The University of Melbourne.

2005. "A Discussion of Mood, Modality and Related Categories in Golin." In Materials on Golin: Grammar, Texts and Dictionary. Melbourne, Dept. of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne. (Available for download at Link

Besold, J and R. Loughnane. 2005. "Clause Combining in Golin." In Materials on Golin: Grammar, Texts and Dictionary. Melbourne, Dept. of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne. (Available for download at Link

2005. "Reported Speech Constructions in Golin." In Materials on Golin: Grammar, Texts and Dictionary. Melbourne, Dept. of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne. (Available for download at Link

Conference Papers
  • "Personal and Factual Semantics across Languages", ALS Melbourne 9-11 July 2009
  • "The Oksapmin Kinship System", 2nd Sydney Papuanists' Workshop 28-9 June 2008
  • "Expanding the Typology of Evidentiality: The Participatory/Factual in Oksapmin", ALT VII 25-8 September 2007
  • "Ok-Oksapmin Relatedness" (co-presented with Sebastian Fedden), Pearl Beach Papuanists' Workshop 27-9 October 2006
  • "Evidentiality in Duna and Oksapmin" (co-presented with Lila San Roque), Pearl Beach Papuanists' Workshop 27-9 October 2006
  • "Double Demonstratives in Oksapmin", ALS Brisbane, 7-9 July 2006
  • "Reciprocals and related constructions in Oksapmin", Reciprocals workshop, Department of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, University of Melbourne, 12 May 2006
  • "The typology of reported speech: Semi-indirect speech in Papuan languages", ALT VI Padang, Indonesia, 21-5 July 2005
  • "The clitic =o in Oksapmin", ALS Melbourne, 28-30 September 2005