Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences - Institute of Asian and African Studies



Book Chapters

2017 (With Mashiri, Pedzisai & Chabata, Emmanuel) Introduction. In Zimbabwean Naming Practices and Patterns: A Multi-disciplinary Approach, Mashiri, Pedzisai, Chabata, Emmanuel. & Mamvura Zvinashe. (eds.), 1-5. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
2017 Places Nicknaming in Selected Urban Areas in Zimbabwe: A Motivational Analysis. In Zimbabwean Naming Practices and Patterns: A Multi-disciplinary Approach, Mashiri, Pedzisai, Chabata, Emmanuel & Mamvura Zvinashe. (eds.), 44-59. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
2017 (With Mashiri, Pedzisai)  ‘Not in a Thousand Years’: Aspects of Toponymic Attachment among Rhodesians in Colonial Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwean Naming Practices and Patterns: A Multi-disciplinary Approach, Mashiri, Pedzisai, Chabata, Emmanuel & Mamvura Zvinashe. (eds.), 76-90. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
2016 (With Mashiri, Pedzisai) Place Renaming and the Liberation War History in Zimbabwe: A Critical Discourse Analysis Account. In Africa’s Intangible Heritage and Land: Emerging Perspectives, Makwavarara, Zifikile, Magosvongwe, Ruby & Mlambo, Obert Bernard (eds.), 91-100. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.

(With Mashiri, Pedzisai) ‘You shall know them by their names’: A Socio-linguistic Approach to Gospel Music Groups’ Nomanclature  in the Shona Society in Zimbabwe. In Sounds of Life: Music, Identity and Politics in Zimbabwe: Multi-Disciplinary Approaches, Mangena, Fainos, Chitando, Ezra & Muwati, I. (eds.), 196-212. U. K: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

2015 (With Mashiri, Pedzisai) Official National Languages of Zimbabwe in the Linguistic  Landscape:  A Geosemiotics Approach. In Current Trends in Zimbabwean Linguistics, Mugari, Victor, Mukaro, Laston & Chabata, Emmanuel. 16-31. Harare: University of Zimbabwe Publications.
2014 The Linguistic Landscape of Harare and the Marginalisation of the Tonga Language in Zimbabwe: The Case of Street Names. In Resuscitating Zimbabwe’s Endangered Languages through Teaching, Research and Documentation: A Project on Tonga, Muwati, Itai., Chabata, Emmanuel, Mberi, Edgar Nhira, & Wakumelo, Mildred (eds.), 67- 95. Harare: Africa Institute for Culture, Peace, Dialogue and Tolerance Studies.


(With Masowa, Angeline & Gopo Tapiwa. Loveson.) Children’s Rights not a New Phenomenon in Africa: A comparative Analysis of Children’s Rights as Depicted in Selected Shona/Ndebele Folktales and the Children’s Rights in the United Nations Conventions. In Navigating the Contours of African Childhood Experiences: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. In Javangwe, Gwatirera & Chirisa, Innocent (eds.), 85-96. Academica Press, LLC.
2015 (With Pfukwa, Charles.) Names in Space: Theoretical Perspectives on the Placename on the Southern African Landscape. In The Postcolonial Condition of Names and Naming Practices in Southern, Africa Nyambi, Oliver. Mangena, Tendai & Pfukwa, Charles (eds.), 258-269. U. K: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
2011 (With Kufakunesu, Patson.) Functional Linguistic Choices in Informal Cross Border Trade in Johannesburg, South Africa: An Africana Womanist Exegesis’. In Re-discoursing African Womanhood in the Search for Sustainable Renaissance: African Womanhood in Multi-disciplinary Approaches. Muwati, Itai., Mguni,Zifikile, Gwekwerere, Tavengwa & Magosvongwe, Ruby (eds.), 85-96. Harare: College Press.


Journal Articles

2019 Hang‘ombe, Khama [mit Emmanuel Chabata, Zvinashe Mamvura]. „Syungu namutitima or Victoria Falls? Contest for place and place naming“. In: Nomina Africana 33 (1), 19-31.
2019 Mamvura, Zvinashe. „Let us make Zimbabwe in my own name’: Place naming and Mugabeism in Zimbabwe“. In: South African Journal African Languages 39 (3), 1-8.
2018 (With Muwati, Itai & Mutasa, David, Elias) ‘Toponymic Commemoration is Not for One Sex’: The Gender Politics of Street Renaming in Harare. African Identities Journal 16(4): 429-443.
2017 (With Masowa, Angeline) Bembera and Jikinyira/Mavingu in a New Context: The Case of WhatsApp Profiles and Statuses Among Shona Speakers in Zimbabwe. NAWA Journal of Communication, 11(1): 122-137.
2017 (With Mutasa, David, Elias & Pfukwa, Charles) Place Naming and the DiscursiveConstruction of Imagined boundaries in Colonial Zimbabwe (1890-1979): The Case of Salisbury. Nomina Africana: Journal of African Onomastics, 31(1): 39 – 49.
2017 (With Masowa, Angeline) African Philosophy of Development as Expressed in Shona Proverbs. International Journal of Arts and Humanities (IJAH), 6(2), S/N 21:28-40.
2016 (With Chabata, Emmanuel & Pfukwa, Charles) Colonial State Power and the Naming of the Built Environment in African Urban Areas in Rhodesia: The Case of School Names. In IGAMA: A Journal of Onomastics 1 (1): 52-69.
2015 (With Phiri, Admire & Dube, Progress) Consonant assimilation in isiNdebele: A Distinctive Feature Approach. Marang: Journal of Language and Literature 26: 25-40.
2009 (With Mashiri, Pedzisai) Fishers of Men: Persuasive Strategies in Urban Commuter Omnibus Discourse in Harare. Zambezia 36 (i/ii): 114-130.



  2011 (With Mberi, Nhira, Edgar &  Masowa, Angeline) Sociolinguistic Aspects of Linguistic Innovation in the Chihwindi Linguistic Code, Occasional paper No. 68, CASAS: Cape Town.