Academic Career
since 04/2011 |
associate professor of African Literatures and Cultures at Humboldt University, Berlin |
1990-1996 |
Studies of Romance, German and Comparative Literature and African Studies in Bochum, Paris and Cologne |
1994 |
Master in Comparative Literature, focus on Africa and the Caribbean, at Sorbonne Nouvelle (Université de Paris III) |
1996 |
Master in Romance Philologie /French, Spanish) and minor in German philology, at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
1996/1997: |
researcher in the special research unit "Identity in Africa" at University of Bayreuth |
1998-2000 |
PhD scholarship by Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes |
08/2001: |
PhD in Romance and Comparative Literature completed at the University of Bayreuth |
04/2001- 03/2002: |
lecturer at the chair for Romance and Comparative literature at the University of Bayreuth |
10/2002 – 09/2010 |
assistant professor Berlin of African Literatures and Cultures with foci on orality, gender and West Africa at Humboldt University, Berlin |
since 2003 |
member of the centre for transdisciplinary gender studies at HU-Berlin |
3/2006 |
DAAD-visiting professor at the Université de Lomé |
2008/2009 |
Feodor-Lynen-scholarship by Alexander-von-Humboldt Stiftung at Université Laval in Québec |
2012-2014; 2018-2020 |
Head of Department African Studies at HU-Berlin at the Institute of Asian and African Studies HU-Berlin
Project leader of „Medienwechsel und Intermedialität in togischen Kulturen/Media Change and Intermediality in Togolese Cultures“ in collaboration with Dotsé Yigbe, Université de Lomé, funded by Alexander von Humboldt foundation
2013-2016 |
Vice-Dean of Study Affairs at the Faculty of Social, Cultural and Educational Sciences HU-Berlin |
Project leader of „Afrikanische KindersoldatInnen in Literatur und Film. Repräsentation, Diskurs, Ästhetik/ African child soldiers in Literature and Film. Representation, Discourse, Aesthetics“, funded by DFG (German Research Council)
11/2020-03/2021 |
Scholarship at the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies, Africa multiple cluster of excellence at the University of Bayreuth |
2021-2024 |
Project leader of „New Configurations of the Cultural Field. The Role of Conficus-Institutes in East- and West Africa Konfuzius-Institutes“, sib-project of the research consortium De:Link / Re:Link – Local perspectives on transregional (dis-)entanglements, funded by BMBF (German Ministery for Education and Research)
Research stays in Senegal, Togo, Belgium, DRCKongo, Ghana, Canada, South Africa, Nigeria, Tanzania and Kenia |