Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften




in Vorbereitung Apartheid’s Black Soldiers: Military Collaboration and Transnational Armies in Southern Africa [in preparation for Ohio University Press’ ‘War and Militarism in African History’ book series]



im Erscheinen (with Will Gordon): ‘Forged in Battle’: The Transnational Origins and Formation of Apartheid South Africa’s 32 ‘Buffalo’ Battalion, 1969-76. In Journal of Southern African Studies
2018 Chiefs, Terror, and Propaganda: The Motivations of Namibian Loyalists to Fight in South Africa’s Security Forces, 1975-89. In South African Historical Journal 70, 1, pp. 124-151.

Apartheid’s Transnational Soldiers: The Case of Black Namibian Soldiers in South Africa’s Former Security Forces. In: Journal of Southern African Studies 43, 1, pp. 195-214.