Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften




Population Politics in the Tropics. Demography, Health and Colonial Rule in Portuguese Angola, 1890s-1940s (Manuskript in Vorbereitung, Cambridge University Press)


Herausgegebene Bücher

(Als Mitglied des) Population Knowledge Network (Ed.), Twentieth Century Population Thinking. A Critical Reader in Primary Sources. London/New York: Routledge 2016(Paperback 2017)


Aufsätze in Peer-Reviewed Zeitschriften

‘Sleeping Sickness Control and the Transnational Politics of Mass Chemoprophylaxis in Portuguese Colonial Africa’, in: Portuguese Studies Review 25.1 (2017), pp. 57-89.

‘Reordering Colonial Society. Model Villages and Social Planning in Rural Angola, 1920-1945’, in: Journal of Contemporary History 52.1 (2017), pp. 16-44.

‘Tensions of Colonial Demography. Depopulation Anxieties and Population Statistics in Interwar Angola’, in: Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900 18.3 (2015), pp. 472-478.

‘Inter-Imperial Learning and African Health Care in Portuguese Angola in the Interwar Period’, in: Social History of Medicine 28.1 (2015), pp. 134-154.

‘The Problem of Freedom in a Mid Nineteenth-Century Atlantic Slave Society. The Liberated Africans of the Anglo-Portuguese Mixed Commission in Luanda (1844-1870)’, in: Slavery and Abolition 33.3 (2012), pp. 479-500.

‘Apprenticeship and the Negotiation of Freedom. The Liberated Africans of the Anglo-Portuguese Mixed Commission in Luanda (1844-1870)’, in: Africana Studia 14 (2010), pp. 255-273.


Aufsätze in Peer-Reviewed Büchern

‘Re-assessing Portuguese exceptionalism. Racial concepts and colonial policies towards the Bushmen in southern Angola, 1880s-1970s’, in: Anderson, Warwick; Roque, Ricardo and Ventura Santos, Ricardo (eds.): Luso-tropicalism and Its Discontents. The Making and Unmaking of Racial Exceptionalism in the Portuguese-speaking World, New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books  (forthcoming 2019).

‘Medical Demography in Interwar Angola. Measuring and Negotiating Health, Reproduction and Difference’, in: Widmer, Alexandra and Lipphardt, Veronika (eds.), Health and Difference. Rendering Human Variation in Colonial Engagements. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books 2016, pp. 178-204.

(zusammen mit Alexandra Widmer:) ‘Colonial Demography. Discourses, Rationalities, Methods’, in: Population Knowledge Network (eds.), Twentieth Century Population Thinking. A Critical Reader in Primary Sources. London/New York: Routledge 2016, pp. 37-64.

‘Siedlungsvorgänge im südlichen Portugal und im Königreich Jerusalem im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. Einige Strukturmerkmale im Vergleich’, in: Brauer, Michael; Rychterová, Pavlína; Wihoda, Martin (eds.), Die mittelalterliche Kolonisation. Vergleichende Untersuchungen. Prag: Zentrum für Mediävistische Studien 2009, pp. 35-62.


Working Papers

‘Extending the Pastoral Frontier. The Introduction of Cattle Farming in French Equatorial Africa during Late Colonialism’ (Commodities of Empire Working Paper No. 28), June 2017



Seibert, Julia: In die globale Wirtschaft gezwungen. Arbeit und kolonialer Kapitalismus im Kongo (1885-1960), Frankfurt/New York: Campus 2016, rezensiert für H-Soz-u-Kult, 20.01.2016

Neill, Deborah J.: Networks in Tropical Medicine. Internationalism, Colonialism, and the Rise of a Medical Specialty, 1890–1930. Stanford: Stanford University Press 2012, rezensiert für H-Soz-u-Kult, 04.10.2012

Ittmann, Karl; Cordell, Dennis D.; Maddox, Gregory H. (Hg.): The Demographics of Empire. The Colonial Order and the Creation of Knowledge. Ohio: Ohio University Press 2010, rezensiert für H-Soz-u-Kult, 27.09.2011