Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften

18.07.-20.07.22 Tagung "Kalahari Basin Area Languages and Cultures"

Tagung "Kalahari Basin Area Languages and Cultures"


Gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Afrikanistik der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M. organisierte das IAAW die Tagung "Kalahari Basin Area Languages and Cultures" vom 18. bis 20. Juli, die in Riezlern im Kleinwalsertal (Österreich) stattgefunden hat.

Der Fokus der Beiträge lag auf den Nicht-Bantu Sprachen Südafrikas (Khoisan) und Sprachkontaktphänomenen im Sprachareal des Kalaharibeckens. 

Die Veranstaltung wurde gefördert mit einer finanzielle Unterstützung der Fritz Thyssen Stiftung. (Az.



Monday, 18th July

Tuesday, 19th July

Wednesday, 20th July

Welcome and introduction

1 Hirosi Nakagawa “A phonesthemic vowel feature in Gǀui”

Grafik PDF Video

1 Lee Pratchett “The pseudo-consecutive construction in Juǀ‘hoan and !Xun”


2 Andy M. Chebanne “Khoisan identities, attidudes and inter-ethnic relationships in Botswana”

Grafik Powerpoint Präsentation Video

2 Alexander Andrason “Conative animal calls in Tjwao”


2 Tom Güldemann “Gender and Number across Taa”

Grafik PDF Video

3 Gertrud Boden “Human-Non-human relationships among Khoisan in comparative perspective”


3 Hessel Visser “Confrontation of PNG-markers in Naro with Indo-European languages”

Grafik Powerpoint Präsentation Video

3 Menan Du Plessis “The structure of the verb complex in the !Ui language, ǀXam:an outline, with comparative reference to patterns in Khoekhoe as well as other (non-Khoisan) languages of the southern region”

Grafik PDF Video

4 Kaboyaone Hiri-Khudu and Kemmonye C. Monaka “Factoring the Khoesan in the curriculum: initial expierences from Botswana”

Grafik Powerpoint Präsentation Video

4 Wilfrid Haacke “Affinities between northern dialects of Khoekhoe (Sesfontein dialects, Hailom, Aakhoe) and Kalahari Khoe (Naro)”


4 Hilde Gunnink “Contact and inheritance in the development of lateral obstruents in Southern Bantu languages”

Grafik Powerpoint Präsentation Video

5 Andy M. Chebanne, Budzani Mogara and Kemmonye C. Monaka "Challenges in writing Khoisan for literacy and material development"

Grafik Powerpoint Präsentation Video

5 Alena Witzlack-Makarevich "Retro-digitizing Khoekhoe text collections"


5 Kemmonye C. Monaka and Naomi N. Moswete "Observed cultural shift: interactions between the Khoesan and Bantu peoples in the Kgalagadi area of Botswana"

Grafik Powerpoint Präsentation 

6 Matthias Brenzinger and Sheena Shah "Naked clicks and click phonems: a typology of click speech sounds"

6 Sylvanus Job "Tense-marking in Khoekhoe temporal clauses"

Grafik PDF Video


7 Kerry Jones and Bonny Sands "Lexicography in the Northern Cape: methodological challenges in producing a Nǀuu-Nama-Afrikaans-English dictionary"

Grafik PDF Video

7 Christoph Wirsching "Noun coordination in Namibian Khoekhoe"

Grafik PDF Video