Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Kultur-, Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät - Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften



Wintersemester 23/24


15th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture: Whose Heroes and Whose Villians? Rewriting the History of the Assasination of Mahatma Gandhi

Refenrent: Professor SUCHETA MAHAJAN


Wintersemester 19/20


14th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture: The Politics of Fear and Desire: The social bases of populist authoritarianism in Pakistan & much of the world

Refenrent: Professor AASIM SAJJAD AKHTAR



Sommersemester 2019


13th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture: From Zomia to Holon: Rivers and Transregional Encounters in South and Southeast Asia, 1840-1950

Refenrent: Professor IFTEKHAR IQBAL



12th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture: Of Flyovers and Muslim Mohallas: Mapping the Politcal Horizons of Bombay

Referentin: Professor SAROVER ZAIDI



11th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture: Female Friendships and Frictions: Sexual Politics in 1960s Pakistani Cinema

Refenrent: Professor KAMRAN ASDAR ALI



Wintersemester 18/19


10th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Lecture: Modi Turns West: India and the Persian Gulf

Refenrent: Professor Dr. P. K. Kumaraswamy
