You are cordially invited to participate in the 4th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 29th June, 2012. The workshop aims to provide a forum for exchange across institutional and disciplinary boundaries on topics related to South Asia.
News at IAAW
You are cordially invited to participate in the Situating Bangladesh in in South Asian Studies Workshop which will take place from 17th May to 19th May, 2013. A workshop conceived by Iftekhar Iqbal and Michael Mann.
You are cordially invited to the Workshop 'Waterspace, Empire and Mobility in Southeastern Asia' which will take place on the 14th June, 2013, Invalidenstraße 118, Room 217, 14-20h.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 8th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 28th June, 2013, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 2.00-7.00 pm.
Talk by His Excellency Mr. Abdul Basit, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Germany
You are cordially invited to participate in the 9th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 6th December, 2013, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 4:00–8:00 pm.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 10th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 7th February 2014, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 4:00–7:00 pm.
The Opium Enterprise in Nineteenth Century India: Some Reflections
10 Fotografen | 10 Länder | 20 Bilder
Communications, Media and the Imperial Experience: Britain and India 1850–1950
You are cordially invited to participate in the 11th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 6th of June 2014, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 2:00–7:00 pm.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 12th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 4th of July 2014, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 2:00–7:00 pm.
Department of South Asian Studies Institute of Asian and African Studies Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217 2:00-7:00 pm
You are cordially invited to participate in the 4th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 29th June, 2012. The workshop aims to provide a forum for exchange across institutional and disciplinary boundaries on topics related to South Asia.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 8th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 28th June, 2013, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 2.00-7.00 pm.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 9th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 6th December, 2013, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 4:00–8:00 pm.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 10th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 7th February 2014, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 4:00–7:00 pm.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 11th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 6th of June 2014, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 2:00–7:00 pm.
You are cordially invited to participate in the 12th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 4th of July 2014, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 2:00–7:00 pm.
Department of South Asian Studies Institute of Asian and African Studies Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217 2:00-7:00 pm
You are cordially invited to participate in the 12th Humboldt India Project (HIP) Workshop which will take place on the 23th of January 2015, Invalidenstr. 118, Room 217, 2:00–7:00 pm.
Frau Girija Natu ist Gastwissenschaftlerin am Südasien-Seminar und Stipendiatin der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Prof. Dr. Irfan Habib (New Delhi, Indien) ist vom 23.4.-31.08. 2012 Gastprofessor am Seminar für Südasien-Studien im Rahmen des "Rotating Chair" Programms des Indian Council of Culural Relations.
Prof Dr. Iftekhar Iqbal (Dhaka, Bangladesh) ist vom 6. Juni 2012 - 31. Mai 2013 als Stipendiat der Humboldt-Stiftung am Seminar für Südasien-Studien.
Frau Sayantani Adikhary ist von April 2013 bis September 2013 Gast am Seminar für Südsaien-Studien. Sie ist Stipendiatin der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.
Herr Soham Das Gupta ist von Juni bis Oktober 2014 Gast am Seminar für Südsaien-Studien.
Dr. Vandana Joshi teaches at the IAAW in the summer term 2014 and in the winter term 2014/2015.
Maj. Gen. (retd.) Shaukat Iqbal ist von Mai bis Juni 2015 Gast am Seminar für Südasien-Studien und hält die Vorlesungsreihe: The Tribal Areas of Pakistan and their Role in the Political Situation in the Region.